maghanap ka ng whatever!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

a little hate letter to the royal b*tchy-ness

Dear Royal B*tch,

I guess it's enough to say that being b*tch is likewise being dumb. You think you're so perfect. You think you're too above others. You're so full of yourself. Stop making that stolen shot a big deal. Besides I already warned you that I'll get even with you and post something worse than what you posted the last time. You just laughed at it and did not take it seriously. Well, I'm sorry if you're that dumb that you didn't see the signs coming. You see, I have the (Clarion's) camera most of the time and I can get the ugliest mug shot of your face. You should not get mad cause right now we're even. I don't really care about the rantings I received from you. If you say I'm mean, you should've known before. I already gave you the simplest condition to delete your so-called "ghastly photos". You didn't do it, therefore i won't either. That's being fair, right? You're too conscious about what other people would say to you on that photo when they've been already talking about you worse than the comments you receive. Don't you like that? You are being loved *sarcastic smile*

Remember this, if you can't accept what you are in a stolen shot photo, therefore, you don't like yourself as well. In portraits, what you're showing in the camera is not what you really are. If I got a stolen shot pic, I have to deal with it and remember that it's me. So for you, Royal B*tchiness, DEAL WITH IT! I have no plan of deleting your mug shot unless you do what I told you *evil grin*. You know it's so simple. So don't be dumb, you dumb b*tch!


Anonymous said...

relax ate :)

alegna_XD said...

i am relaxed... i'm just evil today >.<

Anonymous said...


alegna_XD said...

@atemeloi: akong friend na self-absorbed/narcissistic/feeling gwapa. someone who doesn't know what's being fair means.

Chito said...


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i get paranoid about almost everything especially when it comes to relationship, safety, and future.