maghanap ka ng whatever!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

daily letter (day 2)

Dear Crush,

You don't have any idea how much you crushed my heart. I can't even name you. But you're kinda annoying. I can't even blame you cuz you have no effin' idea that I have a crush on you. But every time you pass by, especially when I'm with my beau, I feel like I've been pushed away. My beau keeps on teasing me saying, "Mine, anjan crush mo, o." And I'm just like, ">___<". I wish that you don't exist or we haven't met. But I know we can't help seeing each other because we were classmates once and became close friends for a while. But that was before. And right now, I'm happy seeing you with your dyed hair and flawless skin. Now, my boo and I thought you're a gay. That's cool. But still, admiring you isn't that bad, right? I just hate the way my boo teases me every time you're in our sight. I'm sorry for the blame.Don't worry, you'd still be the friend who makes other girls jealous of me. HAHA!

stay cool,


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

daily letter (day 1)

I found this list on a blog I've been following. I found it something worth blogging. That means, I'll be blogging for 30 days straight (I hope). oh for blogging's sake, i'll do this... 

Day 1 — Your Best Friend
Day 2 — Your Crush
Day 3 — Your parents
Day 4 —Your sibling (or closest relative)
Day 5 — Your dreams
Day 6 — A stranger
Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend
Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet
Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to
Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you
Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from
Day 15 — The person you miss the most
Day 16 — Someone that’s not in your state/country
Day 17 — Someone from your childhood
Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be
Day 19 — Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad
Day 20 — The one that broke your heart the hardest
Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression
Day 22 — Someone you want to give a second chance to
Day 23 — The last person you kissed
Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory
Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times
Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to
Day 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day
Day 28 — Someone that changed your life
Day 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to
Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror

So today is my Day One.

Dear Best friend,

Right now, I can't think of any person who I can call best friend. But I remember two or three persons I used to have as my best friend. 

To my ex-bff, Eumir. We've been through rough times before and we never got to be more than friends when I was so into you. I know this is rubbish. But I know you pretend not to care about my feelings and continued being friends with me after a year of silent war with my gang. I loved you before, and I will still continue to love you as a friend. Right now, I can't imagine myself that I use to fall in love with my best friend. I'm happy now, and I'm happy that you're happy, too. I hope I can still tell you my secrets and keep it.

To my ex-bff turned ex-bf, Godwin. It was a mistake knowing you. But I didn't regret it. Despite of your asshole-ness, I fell for your charisma. And your cheating heart never changes till now. I used to hate you when you made me cry to sleep for nine months. But don't worry. I'm over you... SO OVER YOU. And you still made me laugh when you added me in your FaceBook and discussed how we could have mend our relationship before. Oh, STFU! Get on with your current cockroach girlfriend.

To my boyfriend, Cawi. We didn't have any friendship before we get into a relationship. But now, we've been through our ups and downs. We made our relationship stronger with the help of our mistakes, realizing how we can make it right. I shared you almost all of the rantings I can say. You're there to make me feel loved, feel safe, and feel free from grudges. There may be times that we have silly arguments and some serious problems.  But we make sure that everything will be okay after that. You may not be the best among my friends, but you are the one I could tell my true self comfortably. I LOVE YOU for that.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What one thing are you exceptionally bad at?

being good!

Ask me anything

Friday, June 11, 2010

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?


Ask me anything

Where's your favorite place to buy clothes?

ukay-ukay sa agdao, bankerohan and uyanguren

Ask me anything

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

If you could look like anybody, who would it be?

Eun Yun Hye. A Koreana cutee :D

Ask me anything

What did you eat for breakfast today?

kokokrunch! after a long time of not eating cereals, i finally managed to eat it :D

Ask me anything

Who's the most beautiful person you know?

ME!!! hahaha

Ask me anything

What was your worst travel experience?

when i went to Digos City to get the data of my O.R. cases after my bag was robbed in the hospital. and when i got there, i just realized it was holiday, so the chief nurse was not around. That even happened twice. grrr!!!

Ask me anything

Monday, June 7, 2010

What's the origin of your name?

Doby= my tita randomly picked this in a yearbook.

Ask me anything

If you had the opportunity to live one year of your life over again, which year would you choose?

let's go back to 2006, when i am about to choose which college should i go. and that time, my lolo is still alive. i want to spend time with him too.

Ask me anything

What's your favorite drink?

water with ice! lotsa ice! ;)

Ask me anything

Ow shoot. I forgot to answer your tagalog question with tagalog. T_T Can you ask me something in tagalog again so that I can make it up to you?

hahaha... that's fine... sure, wait :D

Ask me anything

If you could pick one book author to last you a lifetime, who would it be and why?

paolo coelho. i love his works, so inspirational :D

Ask me anything

What do you think is the best way to defeat terrorism?

give them chocolates to increase their serotonin (happy hormones). those people lack that, that's why they're terrorizing to satisfy themselves. *u*

Ask me anything

Are you more of a talker or more of a listener?

listener. i don't talk too much; only when around with real friends :D

Ask me anything

Chocolate or Vanilla?

chocolate... craving!!!!

Ask me anything

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Would you rather vacation at the beach or in the mountains?

at the beach. i'm too lazy to climb a mountain

Ask me anything

If you could ask God one question what would it be?

i'll ask: "can you answer all the questions that has been bothering me?

Ask me anything

If you could master one skill what would it be?

wu shu :)

Ask me anything

What's your biggest phobia?

losing the one you love without saying I LoVe You

Ask me anything

What's the most unselfish thing you've ever done?

loving unconditionally... ♥___♥

Ask me anything

If you could instantly become an expert at one style of dance, what style would you pick?

pole dancing... haha...jk

Ask me anything

How would you describe your personality?

lots of alter egos... HAHA!

Ask me anything

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I thought I could curse my course... but nevermind

It's so frustrating to see how we suffered from financial instability. And no matter how noble my course is; and no matter how high my future employees would pay me in my future job, I still feel helpless. I can't stand hearing them complaining where did our monthly allowance go. Receiving roughly 20K per month with 2-5 persons in this household isn't enough. For my lola alone, we have to spend for her check-ups, pricey medications and laboratory tests, and for us, the groceries and other miscellaneous. These are crucial things. And it's becoming more difficult now that we pawned most of our jewelries and they are pending to be redeemed or renewed this month. Plus me, I have to prepare for a costly printings on my exhibit forms as I UN-enthusiastically prepare for the upcoming review for our PNL Exam on December. At one moment, I feel like I really want to give up. 'Cause if I could, I would have just stop pursuing this rubbish preparations and get myself a job. I want to earn and then enroll myself in a course that I've been dying to take when I was in high school. It is my frustration now. But then I always end up blaming myself for being too obedient to them that I gave up my dream and my brilliant plan (that's what I thought before). Nevertheless, I also blame them for setting such high expectations even I couldn't imagine if I can make it. I suck at making decisions for myself, that's why they just boss me around, dictating me to do this and that. They even want to rule my own happiness. I mean, kulang nalang sila ang maghahanap ng mapapangasawa ko. I don't want that to happen. I'm so happy with my partner now.And so, now that I'm unemployed, unhappy with what's happening in our lives, and almost in the verge of giving up, how can they patch it up and make me happy again? [minus the lovelife. I'm in charge with my lovelife]. I can't just live with their promises that being a nurse (someday) would make me happy. Do you think that filling up a patient's chart, preparing meds, and doing nursing procedure makes me the happiest person on earth? I may be satisfied, but not happy. I could give them a happy and wealthy life without making myself suffer. *i think i just stabbed myself* *dropsdead*

I want Mass Communication. If only I had taken it before, I don't have to do loads of typing stuff, chasing clinical instructors, queuing in offices, traveling to provincial hospital just for an effin' signature and when you get back in the city, you realized you put the dot (.) in wrong places and have it edited and reprinted, then getting reprimands from the dean. In Mass Comm., after graduating, all you have to do is prepare to claim your transcript of records and authenticated diploma, prepare loads of resume and GET A JOB!!!!


What did you eat for breakfast today?


Ask me anything

If you could instantly become fluent in another language, which language would you pick?


Ask me anything

If you had to give up one favorite food, what would the most difficult?


Ask me anything

What music are you listening to today?

none, i'm just listening to my phone beeping when somebody SMS-ed me :D

Ask me anything

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

a doctor, then i changed my mind, i wanna be flash!

Ask me anything

If you could have a super power, what would it be?

regeneration, like Claire Bennet

Ask me anything

If you could change one thing that happened last year what would it be?

eat less.

Ask me anything

What would be the best thing about being a vampire?

you sparkle and you become immortal... :DDD

Ask me anything

What's your most impossible dream? :)

to have my own little planet (with atmosphere and oxygen like of earth's), really. i want to have one just like in the little prince. :D

Ask me anything

About Me

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i get paranoid about almost everything especially when it comes to relationship, safety, and future.