so sir tambis favored me to take shots during the baccalaureate mass of the hours-from-now graduates. i can take pictures of them from anywhere except it is a Holy Mass where solemnity should be observed. i was afraid that maybe one of the instructors or whoever powerful may reprimand me for taking pictures while the mass is going on. another thing is that the battery is low before they handed it to me. that may be a good excuse to get out of the scene and stay inside the clarion office to charge the battery and update this blog. *whew*
so what i am trying to say is that you can ask me to take pictures of any occasion... "'wag lang sa misa". i pay respect to the priest and to those people who are sincere during the mass. there are only few of them who listens to the Word of God. let's give them a chance.
*to those who can read this, hope you understand. ^.^
i understand.hehehe.. u're such a chicken dobes... luv yah! muwah!
HAHAHAHAH. defy him. JUST DEFY HIM. and i will love you more than ever.
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