september 11, 2009
the day when our love was born. it marked the day when he first held my hand. remembering the day i swore i would love this guy more than a normal girl would do. because today is our 2nd Anniversary.
after my strenuous duty in DMC ER, i went straight to school to prepare for whatever i should give to Cawi. i went to (somewhere) to buy a flower. it's just a single stemmed flower. it's a calla lily. well, it's cute. i just wanted to give him something aside from giving him roses. and girls don't usually give flowers to boys. count me out cuz i love giving flowers, especially to Cawi.
after buying a flower, i went straight to Clarion office to finish the letter for him. there's nothing new about giving letters and i know that he knew what i'm about to say, but i still love writing letters to him. and i know he loves my letters, too.
we went to mall believing we're going to repair my unfortunately-broken mp3 player. but he never failed to surprise me. he got an ipod small talk (shuffle that talks) in his pocket. it's his gift for me. and this is what my thought said:
"kaulaw, a flower, a card, and other nonsense stuff. mao lang akong mahatag sa iya. then, siya, ipod?! justice please."then, he said, "it's nothing."
it took me 20 mins. to sink in to my mind that he really gave it to me. then we went to mcdo to eat something. then we decided to go to Fagioli. great coffee and cakes.
i had a great time. i had a great day with the man i thought is the best. cuz he is.
i love you mine!!!
happy SECOND anniversary! with all my hearts, hugs and kisses...
photo source: http://th07.deviantart.net/fs38/300W/i/2008/321/7/3/Calla_Lily_Gradient_Mesh_Study_by_Helen_Baq.jpg
gee doby.. u didn't tell me anniversary nu rin kahapon.. i should have greet a hapi aniversari din.. anyway, happy bday (belated)!
aw. sweet^_^
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