maghanap ka ng whatever!

Monday, September 21, 2009

things that made me terribly happy [inspired by taza]

i've been following rockstar diaries and i've read some of their posts. that post about how things made them terribly happy really wants me to make my own list, so....

here's my top ten list of things that made me terribly HAPPY!

1. CAWi. he,alone, can make me feel like a high school girl who just had her first kiss.

i can't find any decent picture of my camera-phobic beau

2. watching animated series and dramathon on a Sunday afternoon.

3. x♥x♥ with Cawi.

4. sountrip with my 'small talk' gadgie.


6. chocolate chip cookies.

7. durian.shake.candy.

8. coffee's aroma that wakes me up every morning.

9. surprises on anniversaries.

10. everyone who loves me and made me happy. terribly happy.

i borrowed the coffee from tagirov and the durian from aquarius-galuxy.


january said...

u r sooooooooo inlove!.. i like durian too, n coffee, and chocolates...

AG said...

Hey there! Happened to find your blog through google -- thanks for crediting me for my durian photo!

alegna_XD said...

@AG: thank you! this picture is so far the best picture i saw in deviant art. and i always credit the owner of the pictures i borrowed online. thanks again:)

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i get paranoid about almost everything especially when it comes to relationship, safety, and future.